
Privacy Policy

Since Renascience Inc. (the “Company”) handles the Personal Information of many of our stakeholders, the protection of the fundamental human rights of individual privacy is one of the top priorities of our corporate activities.

The directors and employees of the Company will make every effort to practice compliance and make every effort to handle Personal Information appropriately in accordance with the Privacy Policy.

Our Privacy Policy (Personal Information Protection Policy)

  1. The Company will comply with laws and other regulations regarding Personal Information.
  2. We will comply with our Company’s regulations that stipulate safe and appropriate handling of Personal Information, when we collect, use, or provide the information.
  3. We will take all possible measures to prevent unauthorized access to Personal Information, loss, destruction, falsification, or leakage of Personal Information and take prompt corrective measures against the risk of accidents.
  4. We will continue to improve our compliance program regarding Personal Information.

In the website, https://www.renascience.co.jp (the “Website”) that the Company manages and operates, we defines the following policies regarding the collection, use and management of Personal Information.

For your comfort in using this website, we believe that it is most important for us to comply with laws and regulations regarding the protection of Personal Information and to ensure the appropriate collection, use and management of such information in the Company. When you use this Website, please review this Privacy Policy, and please provide your Personal Information only if you agree to it.

The term “Personal Information” as described in this Privacy Policy refers to information that can be used to identify a specific individual, such as name, address, phone number, fax number, or email address, defined in the Article 2 of Act on the Protection of Personal Information. The Website collects your Personal Information when you use the services. When you provide us with your Personal Information, it shall be deemed that you consent to our use of your Personal Information in accordance with this Privacy Policy. However, we shall not disclose your Personal Information to any third party without your prior permission in a manner different from what is disclosed in our Privacy Policy.

In addition, the Personal Information we receive from you on this Website will not be integrated or processed in any way with information collected indirectly from other sources (such as directories, address books, or third parties).

The Company uses cookies to investigate the use of email forms and the trends of users of the Website. This enables us to obtain statistical website usage information such as email form functions, IP addresses, domain names, browser types, etc., but we do not use it for the collection or analysis of Personal Information.

The Company uses access log files to study the trends of people on this website. The Company can obtain statistical website usage information on pages accessed, IP addresses, browser types, etc., but it will not be used for the collection or analysis of Personal Information.

The Website uses third party cookies and image files (web beacons) to collect statistical information on website usage to investigate user trends.

The Website contains links to several external websites but does not share any Personal Information. Please be sure to refer to the Privacy Policy of the linked website because we are not responsible for the collection of Personal Information on the linked website.

When you register your important Personal Information on the Website, we use SSL for encrypted transmission and Firewall for secure access, and we do our best to prevent unauthorized access and leakage of information from outside.

We may collect your Personal Information when you make an inquiry on the Website. When collecting Personal Information, we will clearly state the purpose of use and collect Personal Information in a legal and fair manner.

Personal Information that may be collected on this site is as follows

a) Name and furigana

b) Your address

c) Phone number

d) Email address

The Personal Information collected by the Company will be used for the following purposes:

 Using when replying to your inquiry.

We will not disclose or provide Personal Information to third parties without your permission except in the following cases

  1. When required by law, or when it is necessary to cooperate with a national agency, a local government, or an individual or entity entrusted by either a national agency or local government to execute affairs prescribed by law, and obtaining your consent is likely to impede the execution of such affairs.
  2. When it is necessary for the protection of the life, body, or property of an individual and it is difficult to obtain the consent of the individual.
  3. In cases in which personal data is provided to an academic research institution, etc., and in which the academic research institution, etc. needs to handle the personal data for academic research purposes (including cases in which part of the purpose of handling the personal data is for academic research purposes only, excluding cases in which there is a risk of unjustified infringement on the rights and interests of individuals).

To prevent and correct unauthorized access to Personal Information and leakage, loss, or damage of Personal Information, the Company establishes internal rules and takes safety measures. In order to achieve the objectives, the Company will take the following measures:

  1. Establishing a basic policy for the appropriate handling of Personal Information and personal data in accordance with laws, regulations, and guidelines.
  2. Establishing various internal rules that stipulate each action to be taken such as acquisition, use, storage, provision, deletion, and disposal, as well as the responsible persons and their roles
  3. Organizational security control measures, such as the establishment of a responsible person, clarification of the employees who handle personal data and the scope of personal data handled, development of a reporting and communication system to the responsible person in the event that a fact or indication of a violation of the laws and regulations is detected, and periodic inspections regarding the handling status
  4. Personal safety control measures, such as stating matters concerning confidentiality of personal data in employment regulations and conducting periodic training on points of attention concerning the handling of personal data
  5. Physical security control measures, such management of entering and leaving of the employees, restrictions on equipment brought into the Company by the employees, and restrictions and controls on the removal of equipment and electronic media and/or documents that handle personal data to prevent them from being stolen or lost, etc.
  6. Technical security control measures, such as the introduction of systems to protect information systems that handle personal data from unauthorized external access or unauthorized software
  7. Implementing safety control measures based on the regulations for the protection of Personal Information in the U.S.

We shall not provide your Personal Information to third parties without your permission. Upon your request, we will take measures to stop the provision of your Personal Information in accordance with laws and regulations. However, if there is a legitimate request from a court of law, the police, a consumer affairs center, or an agency with equivalent authority, we will disclose the information in response to such a request.

If your Personal Information changes (such as a change of address), if you wish to disclose the content of the Personal Information you have provided, or if you wish to have your Personal Information deleted, we will verify your identity in accordance with the prescribed procedures. Please contact us from the Contact Information below.

If we change our Privacy Policy, we will post these changes on the Website. By posting an up-to-date Privacy Policy on the Website, you are always informed about the collection and use of your privacy information. Please be advised to check this page regularly.

In addition, when Personal Information is used in a way that differs from that described at the time the information was originally collected, we will notify you by posting it on this Website. You have the right to choose whether the Website may use your Personal Information in the different manner.

March 31 , 2022

If you have any comments or questions about our Privacy Policy or would like to have your Personal Information deleted, please contact us here.

Contact Information

Renascience Inc

President: Koji Naito

 2-1 Seiryo-cho, Aoba-ku,Sendai, Miyagi, Japan

Phone: 022-727-5070

Office hours: Weekdays 9:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m.