About Our Company

Board Members

  • Toshio Miyata, M.D., Ph.D.
    / Director Chairman

    Professor, Tohoku University Graduate School of Medicine
    Member of Royal Academy of Medicine in Belgium

  • Keisuke Furuta
    / President & CEO

    Engaged in financial/business strategy analysis, policy support and other consulting services for the biotech and healthtech companies at SMBC Nikko Securities Inc.

  • Hiroaki Nogi
    / Outside Director(Audit & Supervisory Committee Member)

    Worked in legal and compliance affairs at Development Bank of Japan Inc, and served as a director and auditor at several operating companies

  • Yasunori Nishiyama
    / Outside Director(Audit & Supervisory Committee Member)

    Mr. Nishiyama worked in many different areas including accounting, corporate planning and health care business, at Mitsui Chemicals Inc., served as President of Health Care Business Sector and Whole You, Inc., then served as President of Mitsui Chemicals America, Inc. as well as Representative in America.
    He currently serves as President of Mitsui Fine Chemicals, Inc.

  • Kazue Tsuji-Takayama, Ph.D.
    / Outside Director(Audit & Supervisory Committee Member)

    Pharmacist, Public Health Laboratory Technologist, Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)
    Engaged in R&D work at business companies, and academia
    Senior URA, Hiroshima University
    Program Officer, Japan Agency for Medical Research and Development (AMED)